
Explore our collection of customizable and easily installable plugins—no coding needed. Choose from dozens of advanced options to elevate your app’s design and functionality.

Enhance your app with plugins


Customizable and easily installable code snippets for the no-coder.

UI and UX
Embeds and widgets
Table Components
Form Components

What are Plugins?

Plugins are customizable and easily installable code snippets designed to extend the functionality of your app without requiring any coding knowledge. They allow you to add features that aren’t natively built into the platform.

How Plugins Work

Tadabase allows users to enhance their apps with customizable plugins. These plugins are easily installable using a simple guided interface. No Coding Required.

    Step 01

    Password Validation Plugin

    Enhance password security with real-time strength validation in your Tadabase app.

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    Find the plugin

    Discover the plugin you need from our extensive library to add the desired functionality to your app.

    Step 02
    Install and Populate Parameters

    Install the plugin and configure its parameters to suit your app’s specific needs.

    Step 03

    Your plugin is now installed and ready to use.

Available Plugins

Utility Embeds/Widgets UI and UX Design Table Component Form Component

Convert Time Field to Dropdown

Transform a time field into a dropdown for convenient time selection.

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Hide Component Based on 'No Records' in Table

Dynamically hide a component when a table has no records.

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Capture IP Address

Automatically capture and include the logged-in user's IP address in a form.

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Thumbnail Enlarger

Enable the enlargement of thumbnail images on click.

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Filter Tab Color Sync

Applies the color of each filter tab to the entire table actions section above the Table Component.

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Form Submission Page Refresh

After a Form Component is submitted, the entire page will be refreshed.

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Vertical Text in Columns and Fields

Display text vertically in table columns and fields for unique visual presentation.

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Mobile Menu Logo - When Menu is Closed

Mobile Menu Logo - When Menu is Closed

Adding customization to a menu logo can significantly help the user experience for mobile users. Here is how to get this done.

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View Record Details on Parent Page

Display record details on the parent page with an embedded iframe.

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Loading GIF for Action Links

Display a loading GIF while action links are being processed.

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Checkbox Size and Style Transformer

Revamp your checkboxes effortlessly with this plugin, offering a tailored approach to size and effects.

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Quick and Easy PDF Preview

Effortlessly preview PDF files with a convenient modal popup.

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Remove Link from Signature Fields

Remove Link from Signature Fields

Remove links from signature fields within details components.

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Dynamic Submenu Hover Effects

Dynamic Submenu Hover Effects

Elevate user experience by adding dynamic hover effects to your submenus. This plugin seamlessly changes the background color and text on hover, providing an engaging and visually appealing navigation experience.

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Copy Text on Click

Easily empower your app users to copy text hassle-free!

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Text Limit with Show More

Text Limit with Show More

Limit text length and provide a 'Show More' option

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Condense Address Fields

Display addresses in a single line for improved readability in table components.

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Customized Connection Field Interface

Customized Connection Field Interface

Tailor your Tadabase app's connection fields with this CSS customization plugin. Achieve a sleek look by adjusting the positioning and styling of the connection field components. Enhance user interaction and visual appeal in your forms.

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Speech to Text

Simply speak, and watch your words turn into text in real-time!

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Smooth Page Scrolling Button

Smooth Page Scrolling Button

Navigate smoothly with the 'Go to' button—a stylish anchor link for seamless scrolling, enhancing user experience.

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Customize Pagination Colors

Customize Pagination Colors

Enhance user interface aesthetics with the 'Customize Pagination Colors' plugin, offering vibrant and personalized pagination styling.

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Dynamic Menu Item Styling

Dynamic Menu Item Styling

Elevate UX with the 'Background Color on Menu Item Hover' plugin for a polished and interactive design.

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Number Input with Space Delimiters

Number Input with Space Delimiters

Enhance user experience by dynamically formatting numeric inputs for readability and clarity.

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Back Button

Enable a back button for easy navigation within the app.

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Confetti Celebration

Colorful confetti bursts onto the screen with every successful Form submission.

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Mask Sensitive Form Values

Securely mask sensitive form input values

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Phone Field to Country Dropdown

Phone Field to Country Dropdown

Convert a phone field into a country dropdown for enhanced phone number input.

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Smart Column Visibility

Hide a column in a Table Component based on a Logged In User Role.

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Export Multiple Tables

Export data from 2 Table Components on an App Page.

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Accept Voice Recordings

Accept Voice Recordings

Enable voice recording functionality for capturing audio inputs.

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Delay a Redirect Rule

Add a delay between a Form submission and a Form Redirect Rule.

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Set Decimal Inputmode for Currency Field

Set Decimal Inputmode for Currency Field

Configure currency fields to accept decimal inputs with precision.

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Calendly Booking Page

Embed your Calendly Booking Page

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Format Attachments as Audio Player

Format Attachments as Audio Player

Easily format attachment fields as an audio player

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Progress Bar Based on Field Value

Display a dynamic progress bar that visually represents the progress based on a specific field value.

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Add Captcha to a Form

Add Captcha to a Form

Enhance form security by adding a captcha verification system.

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Freeze Columns and Rows

Freeze Columns and Rows

Elevate your Tadabase app by effortlessly freezing columns and rows within your tables.

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Duplicate Detector

Duplicate Detector

Highlight duplicate values in your tables, improving data visibility and accuracy.

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Photo Gallery Slider

In a Detail Component, display images in a photo gallery.

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Data Table Progress Tracker

Data Table Progress Tracker

Convert a status field into a visually appealing view

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Updated and Improved!
Side Panel Data Widget

Side Panel Data Widget

Add a convenient side panel to your app to display app data.

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Password Validation Plugin

Password Validation Plugin

Enhance password security with real-time strength validation in your Tadabase app.

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Recently Added
User Login Redirect

User Login Redirect

Automatically redirect unauthenticated users.

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New !
Zoom Control

Zoom Control

Enable users to control and adjust the zoom level of the application interface.

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Mobile-Optimized Multi-Step Forms

Mobile-Optimized Multi-Step Forms

Enhance user experience with mobile-friendly multi-step forms.

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Auto search

Auto search

Enhance your app's search experience with real-time search queries.

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Consistent Column Alignment

Consistent Column Alignment

Ensure uniform column sizing in grouped tables.

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CSV Exporter

CSV Exporter

Enable users to export pivot table data as CSV files effortlessly.

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Attachment Column Merger

Attachment Column Merger

Merge and simplify multiple attachment columns in a table for enhanced readability.

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Radio Field Styling

Radio Field Styling

Enhance radio fields with modern design elements for improved user experience.

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Interactive Map Image Viewer

Interactive Map Image Viewer

Enhance your map's interactivity with image viewing from map markers.

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Rich Text Editor Enhancement with QuillJS

Rich Text Editor Enhancement with QuillJS

Upgrade your text editor with QuillJS for a modern and feature-rich editing experience.

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Spellchecker Integration

Spellchecker Integration

Enhance text input with real-time spellchecking for improved accuracy.

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Auto-Disable Filled Fields

Auto-Disable Filled Fields

Enhance user experience by automatically disabling filled form fields.

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Download All Files as ZIP

Download All Files as ZIP

Effortlessly bundle and download multiple files in a ZIP archive from non secure buckets.

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Form Submission Loading Spinner

Form Submission Loading Spinner

Enhance user experience with a loading spinner during form submissions.

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Selective File Download as ZIP

Selective File Download as ZIP

Download specific files as a ZIP archive.

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Dynamic Button Styling

Dynamic Button Styling

Customize button styles based on user selections.

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Custom Image Modal Sizing

Custom Image Modal Sizing

Control the size of image popups for a tailored user experience.

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Custom Image Thumbnails

Custom Image Thumbnails

Tailor your image thumbnails with ease. This plugin allows you to adjust thumbnail sizes effortlessly for a personalized touch to your Tadabase app's visual content.

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Copy Detail Component into New Form Values

Copy Detail Component into New Form Values

Easily copy details from one component into new form values with this plugin. Simplify data transfer and save time by automating the process of copying and pasting information.

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Capture Current Page URL

Capture Current Page URL

Automatically record and utilize the current page's URL with this plugin for enhanced data management.

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Set Connection Field via JS

Set Connection Field via JS

Dynamically set the value of a connection field using JavaScript, providing flexibility and control in your Tadabase forms.

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Clear Preserved Form Values

Clear Preserved Form Values

Effortlessly clear preserved form values with this plugin, ensuring a clean slate for seamless user interactions.

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Convert Form Fields into Spreadsheet-Like Experience

Convert Form Fields into Spreadsheet-Like Experience

Convert your form to a spreadsheet interface with this plugin, streamlining data entry and interaction.

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Clickable Rows for Enhanced Table Interaction

Clickable Rows for Enhanced Table Interaction

Boost table UX with clickable rows using this plugin, allowing users to trigger actions by clicking anywhere on a row.

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Hide Age Text by Selection

Hide Age Text by Selection

Conceals age text based on selected unit (year, month, or day).

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Data-to-Table Spreadsheet Mapper

Data-to-Table Spreadsheet Mapper

Effortlessly integrate and map form data to a dynamic spreadsheet table with customizable column types using this plugin.

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Dynamic HTML Population Plugin for Rich Text Fields

Dynamic HTML Population Plugin for Rich Text Fields

Populate form rich text fields with HTML content from another field seamlessly using this plugin, enhancing user interactions.

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Mobile Calendar Styling

Mobile Calendar Styling

Elevate your mobile calendar with a personalized header toolbar.

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Whereby Integration

Whereby Integration

Integrate Whereby video seamlessly with the 'Whereby Integration' component for a smooth meeting experience.

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Timezone Conversion

Timezone Conversion

This plugin ensures a consistent and user-friendly date and time presentation across your app by converting timestamps to the user's local timezone.

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Date Input Format

Date Input Format

This plugin enhances the user experience by providing a streamlined mechanism for date input in the preferred format.

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Record Limit Control

Record Limit Control

Ensure data integrity by limiting records with this plugin, dynamically hiding the 'Add New' button when the threshold is reached.

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Conditional Detail Page Display

Conditional Detail Page Display

Control page visibility with this plugin by comparing URL segments for a dynamic viewing experience.

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JSON to PivotUI Table Integration

JSON to PivotUI Table Integration

Integrate JSON data into PivotUI with this plugin, enabling interactive data analysis.

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JSON to Flexmonster Table Integration

JSON to Flexmonster Table Integration

Integrate JSON data seamlessly into Flexmonster pivot tables with this plugin for comprehensive data analysis.

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JSON to Handsontable Table Integration

JSON to Handsontable Table Integration

Integrate JSON data seamlessly into Handsontable tables with this plugin for easy data visualization and manipulation.

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JSON to Tabulator Table Integration

JSON to Tabulator Table Integration

Integrate JSON data seamlessly into Tabulator tables with this plugin for interactive and customizable data visualization.

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JSON to WebDataRocks Table Integration

JSON to WebDataRocks Table Integration

Seamlessly integrate JSON data into WebDataRocks pivot tables with this plugin for effective data analysis and visualization.

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JSON to FancyGrid Table Integration

JSON to FancyGrid Table Integration

Integrate JSON data seamlessly into FancyGrid tables with this plugin, presenting it interactively and customizably.

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JSON to ag-Grid Table Integration

JSON to ag-Grid Table Integration

Integrate JSON data seamlessly into ag-Grid tables with this plugin, presenting it interactively and rich in features.

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Polyglot.js Language Translation

Polyglot.js Language Translation

Simplify multilingual support with this plugin, automating text translation based on selected language for enhanced user experience.

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User Calendar Timezone Setter

User Calendar Timezone Setter

Users set preferred timezones for clarity and reduce confusion in the calendar view.

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Hide Update Button Until Checkbox Selected

Hide Update Button Until Checkbox Selected

Enhances data table usability by hiding the update button until at least one checkbox is selected.

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User's Calendar Timezone Setter based on Current Location

User's Calendar Timezone Setter based on Current Location

Automatically sets user timezones in the calendar for accurate representation.

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User's Form Timezone Setter based on Current Location

User's Form Timezone Setter based on Current Location

Automatically sets form timezone to user's location for accurate data entry.

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Collapsible Menu

Collapsible Menu

Enhance navigation with a collapsible menu for better visibility and space management.

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Date Format Validation and Correction

Date Format Validation and Correction

Automatically validate and correct date formats based on user preferences.

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Form Step Blocker for Required Field Validation

Form Step Blocker for Required Field Validation

Prevent progression to next steps in forms until all required fields are filled.

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Group By Table Renderer

Group By Table Renderer

Easily render data into a grouped table format based on specified fields.

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Sync Tabs

Sync Tabs

Synchronize tab selection across specified components effortlessly.

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Multi-date Picker

Multi-date Picker

Enable users to select multiple dates with ease using a convenient multi-date picker.

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Announcement Banner

Announcement Banner

Display an announcement banner to promote Tadabase and encourage users to explore its features.

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Dynamic Page Scroll Button

Dynamic Page Scroll Button

Add a customizable scroll button that dynamically scrolls the page to the top or bottom of the page.

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Browser Notifications

Browser Notifications

Enable browser notifications to keep users informed about the latest updates and features on Tadabase.

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Mermaid Flowchart from Data Records

Mermaid Flowchart from Data Records

Generate Mermaid flowcharts based on field connections seamlessly.

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User Menu Avatar

User Menu Avatar

Enhance user experience by displaying personalized avatars in the user menu.

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URL Tab Parameter Synchronization

URL Tab Parameter Synchronization

Synchronize tab selections with URL parameters for enhanced navigation and bookmarking.

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Field Focus Setter

Field Focus Setter

Automatically set focus on a specific field upon page load, enhancing user interaction and workflow efficiency.

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Customize Redirect Text

Customize Redirect Text

Instead of just basic "redirecting" text, customize the redirect with any custom HTML.

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Tadabot OpenAI Plugin

Tadabot OpenAI Plugin

Plugin to send inputs to OpenAI, display responses in a modal, with options to regenerate and copy.

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Auto Select First Connection Value

Auto Select First Connection Value

This plugin automatically selects the first default value in a dropdown menu by default.

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Image Annotation

Image Annotation

Easily annotate images with this powerful and flexible JavaScript plugin. Perfect for adding notes, comments, and highlights to your images.

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