Can we help you help the world?
Tadabase’s custom no-code workflow
application enables your organization to
make its biggest impact
Some of our awesome clients:
How Tadabase helped the Texas Black Expo provide 300,000+ meals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Aaron Terry, Database Architect
We All Eat / Texas Black Expo
Some of the wonderful things Tadabase can help you do
AI can mimic your mind and hands, but
nothing can replace your heart.
Get Started
You’re on a unique mission – and we know it. Tadabase offers true customization so you can make your biggest dreams happen.
Breathe new life into tired employees by automating boring and time-sucking tasks. If a robot can do it, why should you?
Get the most out of your budget, resources, and time. Make fundraising as seamless as possible while boosting donations.